AP+ vendors

AP+ is working on enhancing our service to our partners and vendors. This includes introducing a unified General Ledger across our group. We’re also introducing a streamlined Purchase Order system to provide you with greater clarity and reliability in receiving payments from AP+. We value our relationships with our partners and vendors, and we will work to ensure this continues.


Our new process

Do you need a signed agreement with AP+? ​

If the total value of the work you are carrying out for AP+ exceeds $100K, AP+ will require a current signed agreement with your organisation.


Obtain a Purchase Order Number.

You must obtain a Purchase Order with a valid Purchase Order Number before your organisation begins work. Ask your AP+ commercial partner to provide you with a valid Purchase Order before chargeable work begins. ​


Always reference the Purchase Order Number on your invoices. 

When the work is complete or as defined in our agreement with your organisation, please send your invoice referencing the Purchase Order Number to the email address on our Purchase Order.  Referencing a valid Purchase Order Number on your invoice will ensure prompt payment.


You will be paid inline with your agreement.

Once AP+ receives an invoice with a valid Purchase Order Number, it will go through the approval process and be added to the next payment cycle in accordance with the payment terms in our agreement with you. ​


       If you need more information.

Your finance business partner or contact at AP+ can confirm you have a Purchase Order in place.



When does the change take place?
From 1 July 2023, AP+ will require vendors to quote a valid Purchase Order Number on invoices.
How do I get a valid Purchase Order Number?
Speak with your AP+ commercial partner and ask for a Purchase Order before you commence chargeable work.
Is there a standard Services Agreement?
AP+ has a range of standard Services Agreements. The relevant service agreement depends upon the nature of the work you are conducting for AP+.
Please speak with your AP+ commercial partner to determine the correct type of agreement for the chargeable work you are doing for AP+.
How can I confirm I have received a valid Purchase Order Number?
Please contact your finance business partner at [email protected]
We have a valid Purchase Order Number, and the work is complete but we have not received payment?
Please contact your finance business partner at [email protected]

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